Outsourcing logistics
When you have just started a webshop, you may still find it pleasant to carry out all the tasks yourself. From making your product to packing and shipping it: often it is still manageable. But what if it starts to get busier and all those logistical matters are becoming a millstone around your neck? To ensure you can continue to concentrate on the work that really suits you, you can outsource the logistics. It is possible to outsource only certain tasks, but nowadays there is also a complete unburdening in the form of webshop fulfillment. The entire handling of orders is then carried out by an external party, 3 PL (such as Kolibri Logistiek). Convenient, because poth parties can now spend time on what they are really good at. That does not only save time, but also a lot of frustration.
What can you outsource?
It can be very expensive to have to rent or buy a property, so that you can store your goods. Moreover, many entrepeneurs are forced to rent a much larger space than they actually need. You do not want to pay for square meters that you do not use? You better choose to outsource the storage. There are many more ‘loose’ services that you can have carried out by another company. Think of labeling your products before they are being shipped, the shipping itself or maybe assembling semi-finished products. This means that you can actually outsource all aspects of webshop logistics, so that you yourself have time (and money) for other important activities and investments. Would you prefer to have all logistics tasks handled by a professional? Then choose for webshop fulfillment. All tasks are taken over from you as a package. Think of:
You literally only have to deal with your product itself, with selling it and with getting orders. Once these orders are placed, everything basically will be handled automatically.
How much do you save by outsourcing webshop logistics?
How much costs you actually save depends on the costs you currently have. Do you want to calculate how much you spend per shipment? Then take the following costs and divide them by the number of shipments you have.
- Rent or mortgage of your property
- Recruitment and selection of personnel
- The personnel (including employer’s contribution, social security contributions, holidays, days lost to sickness and secondary conditions)
- The time that you yourself invest in logistic activities (shipping/getting packages out of the door etcetera)
- The purchase of inventory, warehouse supplies, labeling machines, printers, etcetera)
- Administration costs for the software that you use
If you have a good overview of the current costs, doing a saving check is very easy. Fill in the form on our website and you will receive a quote just for you in only two days. That way you know exactly how much outsourcing webshop logistics costs.
Only for companies with a large amount of orders?
Outsourcing logistics may sound like something that is only for the very big, fast growing webshops that process a large amount of orders daily. But nothing is less true! You can even do business with Kolibri Logistiek when you ‘only’ ship one package per week.
Summing up the benefits of outsourcing logistics one more time…
Yes, giving work out of hands can be very exciting. Making the step to outsource logistics usually does not happen overnight. But if we sum up the advantages one more time, you will see that in the end you will get a lot in return.
- Save time for other important tasks: selling your product, the customer service or simply your family.
- Save costs that you would make for logistical tasks.
- No trips to the post office anymore.
- Take advantage of agreements that fulfillment parties have with, for example, shipping companies (think of a decrease in shipping costs or paying less per package).
- Even when you are on holiday orders will be delivered (on time).
- No expensive property is needed for storage, your inventory is safe and secure at Kolibri Logistiek.
- Additional staff that can be deployed for the fulfillment in busy periods.
- In many cases you can offer better service. ‘Ordered before 4 PM, delivered the day after tomorrow’ may change to ‘ordered before ‘4 PM, delivered tomorrow’.
Would you like to talk to us about the possibilities? Then don’t hesitate to contact us via +31 180-590072 or [email protected].